Do You Want To Dance?
Ah to be a teenager again!
Learning to drive. Getting your first job. Going on your first date.
Isn’t that just a giant raisin with a pit inside?
Okay, okay, it’s not THAT bad. But what to do?
Homecoming is approaching, there’s the football game, the BBQ’s and then the DANCE!
You can just feel the sweat coming out of every pore of your body.
So many creative ways to ask someone out. Cards, banners, an airplane flying overhead during Math class with the words ‘Will you go to the homecoming dance with me?’ with no one watching because the teacher wouldn’t let you go to the window! Don’t judge…sigh.
All the preparations, the tickets, flowers and tuxes, dresses, limousines and then – really? Mom, Dad…seriously…ONE more picture? You’ve already taken 237, and yes I counted!
Walking in the room, music blaring our favorite songs, even though the DJ is at least 5 years older than us, how could he possibly know?
Then everything stops!
Do you want to dance? And the hand is held out with the expected response of a yes…
Socially inept is all you can think about. That first step. Every single eye is on you, as you can feel every one of them on your back. They’re going to laugh for sure!
You slowly walk out to the dance floor and wonder just what everyone is going to say on Monday!
The saying on your yearbook picture says ‘Most likely to be the Biggest Loser…on So You Think You Can Dance!’
Taking your date by the hand, you give a sly smile, wink and then…mic drop! You NAIL it dude!
All the weeks of taking that secret social dance class paid off BIG TIME! Mom thought you were just hanging out with your buddies, and your friends thought you were grounded, but you knew better!
Sometimes life surprises us. And who knew that something so fun could be such hard work to learn? They say that being prepared makes all the difference, and well…yes it does!
Looks like Prom season is going to be a snap!
We’ll work on that yearbook quote later.
Guest post by Sandy Balazic.